Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Sweet Pea

Here are some super cute pics a good friend of mine, Rebecca, took when we were at church one Sunday. Livy usually ends up in the ergo because church usually falls during her naptime. I love these pics!

I'm trying to get my blog back up and running, so I'm posting several things to catch everyone up on our last couple of months!


  1. :) love those livy eyes and cheeks! miss you guys, and am praying for you today.

  2. Thanks Rebecca! That means so much! We miss you guys too!

  3. I like the new layout, Leah. Hope your transition to CA is smooth!

  4. Thank you! I just wish I could figure out how to center the title and picture at the top...blogspot hasn't been super user friendly for me!! Please send me your blog again b/c I lost all my bookmarks.
